serving AA's lgbtqia+ community since 1984
our goals:
- To provide a positive social exposure to Alcoholics Anonymous
- To organize workshops, meetings, and social activities within this environment
- To promote sobriety as a way of life through the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous
- To help members learn how to live sober and how to relate to others who are sober
- To create a safe, nurturing sober weekend
- To enhance dignity and establish unity as LGBTQIA+ alchoholics
- To share experience, strength, and hope
Our Vision
We strive to build a community that respects, honors, and welcomes all individuals for who they are and how they choose to identify; where they are on their journey of sobriety; what they believe; and how they choose to define and relate to their Higher Power.
Our Mission
To carry the message of Alcoholics Anonymous to LGBTQIA+ alcoholics through the meetings, workshops, activities, and events of an annual convention that is open to all who wish to attend.
Our History
Since 1984 more than 10,000 of our members have gathered in the greater Los Angeles area for the annual AALA Roundup.
non-profit status
AALA Roundup, Inc. is exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to AALA Roundup, Inc. are deductible under section 170 of the Code. AALA Roundup, Inc. is qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts under section 2055, 2106 or 2522 of the Code.
AALA Roundup, Inc. is exempt from California state franchise and income tax under section 23701d of the California Revenue and Taxation Code.
AALA Roundup, Inc. EIN: 95-4705625
Learn About Our fellowship
read our bylaws
View our organization’s foundational documents and learn more about how we operate.
Learn how you can volunteer at the annual roundup or serve on the planning or executive committees.
find a meeting
There are thousands of AA meetings in Los Angeles all year-round. Use our helpful tool to find a meeting near you.